
compréhension orale anglais


Compréhension orale anglais : Moonfleet

  • Écoutez et regardez la vidéo, d’abord sans les sous-titres puis avec les sous-titres.
  • Faites les exercices de grammaire et de compréhension orale plus bas.

Vidéo sans sous-titres :

Je vous donne juste un mot  :

the smugglers = les contrebandiers.

Pour plus de mots sur ce texte, voyez l’exercice de vocabulaire un peu plus bas.

La même vidéo mais AVEC les sous-titres :

Voici une série d’exercices sur la vidéo Moonfleet.

Ne vous sentez pas obligé(e) de faire tous les exercices.

Faîtes ce qui vous semble utile pour vous.



Connaissez-vous la traduction de ces verbes irréguliers que j'ai relevés pour vous dans la vidéo Moonfleet ?


Voici le vocabulaire de niveau intermédiaire (A2-B1) que j’ai relevé dans le texte.

Écoutez et répétez :

across = à travers (une surface plane : across the ocean, across the street)

afraid = effrayé

at last = enfin

barrels = tonneaux, barriques

a candle = une bougie

discover = découvrir

full = plein, pleine

goods = des biens, des produits, des marchandises

graveyard = cimeterre

high = haut(e)

the hole = le trou

in the middle = au milieu

the inn = l’auberge

to reach = atteindre

shadow = ombre

the shore = la côte

smuggled goods = des marchandises de contrebande

smugglers = contrebandiers

a storeroom = une pièce pour stocker, une réserve, une cachette

then = ensuite, puis

through = à travers (qqchose de vertical : “through the window, through the forest)

to walk = marcher

what kind of = quelle sorte de

whether = if = si. Dans notre texte : “whether I should go on or go back” est sous-entendu (= si je devais continuer ou repartir).

to wonder = se demander (I wonder if… = je me demande si…=


Essayez de le faire sans remonter plus haut sur la page voir ces formes  😉

Quiz verbes irréguliers dans la vidéo MOONFLEET

Avez-vous mémorisé les formes du prétérit et du participe-passé de ces mêmes verbes ?

Écrivez juste les deux mots séparé par un espace (pas de ponctuation SVP !) :
ex :      to give
             gave given

to keep


to begin


to feel


to know


to see


to lie


to take


to hold


to come


to build


to break


to stand


to go


to find


Écoutez les phrases suivantes et répétez :

(Vous entendrez quelquefois  la même phrase répétée par des voix et des accents différents ; dans ce cas, je vous conseille de répéter autant de fois la phrase.)

I kept in the shadows as I walked along the streets.

Everyone was asleep in Moonfleet.

When I reached the graveyard, I began to feel afraid.

I looked at the hole under the stone, and I didn’t know whether to go on or go back.

Then, to my surprise, I saw a boat lying near the shore.

It was strange for a boat to be in Moonfleet Bay so late at night.

Then, I saw a blue light on the boat, and I knew it was the smugglers’ boat.

I took one last look round.

Holding my candle high up in front of me, I walked down the passage.

At last, I came to a stone wall which someone had built across the passage, but which was now broken to make a door.

I stood still and wondered what kind of place I had come to.

I went through and found myself in a large room.

In the middle of the room were a great number of boxes and barrels full of smuggled goods.

I had found the smugglers’ storeroom !



One afternoon of the year 1795, John Trenchard, 15, by chance discovers a secret passage in the graveyard of the village of Moonfleet (South England). Later that night, he returns with a candle to explore the secret passage.

I kept in the shadows as I walked along the streets. Everyone was asleep in Moonfleet, and there were no lights in any of the windows except the inn. When I reached the graveyard, I began to feel afraid. I looked at the hole under the stone, and I didn’t know whether to go on or go back. Then, to my surprise, I saw a boat lying near the shore. It was strange for a boat to be in Moonfleet Bay so late at night. Then, I saw a blue light on the boat, and I knew it was the smugglers’ boat, and that they were giving a signal to someone on the shore. I took one last look round and entered the hole.

Holding my candle high up in front of me, I walked down the passage. At last, I came to a stone wall which someone had built across the passage, but which was now broken to make a door. I stood still and wondered what kind of place I had come to.

I went through and found myself in a large room. In the middle of the room were a great number of boxes and barrels full of smuggled goods. I had found the smugglers’ storeroom !

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